Nepal's First Hydro Power- Pharping Hydro Power |
The Rana rulers were not only the dictators but also the agents of reformation. Though most of the reforms were carried out for the stability of their regimes, these can be reckoned as great contribution on the country's development even till date. The following sub-topics gave a brief account of the reforms achieved in various fields during the rana period.
Administrative achievements:
On his return from Great Britain in 1910 BS, Jung Bahadur had the first law of the land, called "Muluki Ain", published in the name of King Surendra Bikram and tried to make the country's administration strong and efficient by modernizing it. Muluki Adda for general administration, Jangi Adda for the Army, Ain Khana for formulating laws Kaushal Adda fro justice and Muluki Khana for collecting revenues were opened. The provision of the government postman was introduced. For making its administration more effective he divided Muluki Adda into two. Junga Bahadur also started giving back lands to Brahmins who had got their lands confiscated by Rana Bahadur Shah in 1862 BS. The event was known as Basitthi Haran ( the confiscation of the year '62 ). Ranoddip established office for handing back lands and processing claims.Bir Shumsher divided the country's territory into 35 units, (now 14 Zones, 75 Districts ) called tahasils for the smooth and strong administration. These administrative units remained intact up to 2007 BS when the country was redivided into 14 Zones and 75 districts. He developed a system of making regular visits to different offices of the districts for the control of bribery, revenue, leakages and other irregularities in their administration. Bir Shumsher fixed government working hours from 10:00 Pm to 5:00 Pm which was changed to 10:00 Am to 4:00 Pm during the premiership of Bhim Shumsher. Bir Shumsher started keeping records of government employees. Town cleanliness department ws also established during his time.Likewise, various other prime ministers in their times contributed the improvement of the country's administration in various ways, Dev Shumsher tried to introduce parliamentary form of government. He called a representative council and installed suggestion boxes in different parts to know public wish. Chandra Shumsher created more new offices, Known as Khadganishana Adda and Bijuli Goshwara Adda according to the need. he also revised the Muluki Ain and its severity was decreased. Bhim Shumsher restored capital punishment of except for rebellion. Juddha Shumsher introduced the system of pension payment to the civil servants and opened office for keeping records of the people's births and deaths. Padma shumsher introduced a new constitution to the people and Mohan Shumsher signed the Delhi Compromise in 2007 BS for a Rana-Congress coalition. The later had also made planning for 5-year economic plans.
Economic Achievements:
Attempts were made to diversify the agricultural crops during the period of the Ranas. The tea cultivation in Ilam and Soktim was given a start by Jung Bahadur at the time of his premiership. He encouraged the cutting of forest for settlement and agriculture. He also signed a treaty with Tibet to develop Nepal's trade. Ranoddip gave back more land to people and encouraged cultivation so that production could be more. The first big irrigation canal was Chandra Nahar constructed during the time of Chandra Shumsher with its head at Trijuga river Saptari. Thenext canal was constructed at the time of Juddha Shumsher and its source was the Manusmara river of Rautahat. The canal was named after him as Juddha Nahar. Subsquently the first electricity generation power house with a capacity of 500 KW was constructed at Pharping at the time of Chandra Shumsher , the prime minister. It was followed by Sundarijal Vidut Centre with generating capacity of 900 KW during the period of the prime minister Juddha Shumsher. Chandra Shumsher established Joint Stock Company. He increased revenue collection but restricted the import of wine. Bhim Shumsher encouraged cotton cultivation and reduced custom on the imports of cotton and salt.
The period of Juddha Shumsher is regarded as important for the development of industry in Nepal. Nepal Bank Ltd. was established as the first bank of the country. similarly Biratnagar Jute Mills was established as the first industry registered under the company act. Then Juddha Match Factory was established in Birgunj. Gorkha Rice and Oil Mills Biratnagar, Birjgunj Cotton Mills, Morang Hydro-electric supply Company were also established in his period. Juddha shumsher also established Gharelu Ilam Prachar Adda office (for encouraging cottage industries) and agriculture training center. In addition Janakpur-Jaynagar Railway was constructed during his tenure and roads were constructed in various parts of the country. Juddha Shumsher also iintroduced paper money. Later Padma Shumsher established cotton, jute and sugar mills. He also signed an agreement about recruitment of soldiers with the United Kingdom. Subsequently Mohan Shumsher established Tejarath Bank in order to provide loan facilities for ordinary people. During the those period wood, leeather, herbs and food grains were exported from Nepal in big quantities and the trade balance was in favor of Nepal. The raw materials were exported even to Europe through Kolkata sea port.